Many Tentacles – Screamprint Atelier and Shop
@Haus Schwarzenberg – Berlin Mitte

OPENing hours mon - Sun 12 - 19ish

Our physical manifestation is in the 2nd hinterhof on the second floor, the former Stokx Shop above the infamous Eschschloraque Rümschrump salon and Neuro Titan gallery and shop.

Explore Hidden Depths - Many Tentacles presents...

Our Atelier

Our atelier is equipped for printing, sewing, audio and visual creation.

We took over this space in July 2019, refurbished it with interior design and custom furniture from Maria Cukor, and artwork from our small crew 🙂

Upcycled. Organic. Fair Trade. DIY. Psychedelic. Transcendent. Collaborative.

Our Shop

Through our Many Tentacles label we can showcase our art and support our existence here in Berlin.

From organic fair trade apparel to up-cycled accessories and one of a kind creations, we work with a environmental conscious and a DIY aesthetic. Come pay us a visit during opening hours…. or Sundays find the bright orange tablecloth on Mauer Park.


Wonder Zine

Finite to infinite, micro to macro - some say Wonder is the optimum state of being.…


galiläakirche group austellung many tentacles vernissage freitag 19 mai 18h…

Photos during lockdown

Its been a long time since we were open up the stairs at many Tentacles, but in…


Monday - Sunday
1200 - 1900


Get in touch :)

Mauer Park

1000 - 1800